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时间:2020-10-05 03:15来源:其他 作者:页游私服排行 点击:
据国外媒体2月3日阿布扎比报道,印度财政部长阿伦61杰特雷周三在新德里表示,为了提高能源安全以及使印度远离未来能源短缺,印度计划将再建立两个战略原油储备基地。 杰特雷在其预算演讲中说,除了现有的3个战略






李峻 编译



India to set up two more strategic crude oil reserves

Global Petroleum News

February 03, 2017

Abu Dhabi: India is planning to set up two more strategic oil reserves in order to increase energy security and insulate the country from the future energy shortages, Indian finance minister Arun Jaitley announced on Wednesday.

“As a phase two of this, strategic crude reserves- caverns to be set up in Orissa and Bikaner in addition to three existing facilities,” said Jaitely in his budget speech.

The strategic caverns are run by Indian Strategic Petroleum Reserves Ltd (Isprl), a special purpose vehicle set up by Oil Industry Development Board under the ministry of petroleum and natural gas.

Under Phase I of the storage programme, three facilities have been created at Vishakhapatnam, Mangalore and Padur, with a total storage capacity of 5.33 million metric tonnes (MMT).

Last week, Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (Adnoc) and the Indian Strategic Petroleum Reserves Ltd, agreed to establish a strategic crude oil storage in the southern Indian city of Mangalore with a storage of 5.86 million barrels of Adnoc crude oil.